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Advice is something we often seek but hate to accept. Yes hate is a strong word, but who in their right mind likes criticism?

In The Beginning

In The Beginning

Take those early years in School. You moan about how awful it was and how you would do anything to avoid an education. Yet your parents continue to state how grateful you must be as once you hit “the REAL World” it is a downward spiral.

Yes I am one of those that thinks back and admits they may have been right.

As I sit here now contemplating at a ripe old age of 28, what I have learnt, experienced. I have a few lessons I wish I knew back when I was 18.

1. Travel

Above everything I longed for travel. At 18, you have no commitments, you have just finished school and have your whole life ahead of you.

Get a job, earn some money… Get a one way ticket to Thailand, and explore.

Don’t just stick to the pathways of tourists. Get off the beaten track… Learn about languages, culture and above all photograph everything and share your stories.

Travel The World

Travel The World

2. Read

Try and Read everything you can, never put down books. Read about a variety of subjects, not just aspects you are interested in.

Broaden your horizon… Read and ponder… Read People, their actions and above all share what you learn.

The best way to educate yourself is to help educate others.

Take A Moment To Read

Take A Moment To Read

3. Career

Do not fall into the corporate trap… Do what you love and work hard at it. Nothing is ever easy…

The Best Success Stories Have The Worst Beginnings

Working 24/7 for the benefit of someone else, isn’t my idea of fun.

Career Choices

Career Choices

4. Your Time Value It

Your life is short… Make the most out of it. Don’t waste your time with people who bring you down.

Life is too short to drink bad wine

Work towards something and give it your all. Enjoy life, enjoy moments and always capture those moments in photographs.

Value Your Time

Value Your Time

5. Learn To Be Patient

Nothing happens overnight… You’ve experienced too many movies, where your life aspirations go Viral like a Funny Cat Video and you become an instant success.

Plan in decades. Think in years. Work in months. Live in days.

Life isn’t like that… You get rewarded from you put in. Whether it be years of hard work for one door to open or endless battles… It will come, I promise!

Learn To Be Patient

Learn To Be Patient

6. Suck At Life Failure is key

Life is what you make it… You will have to experience failure several times before any success occurs… Unless you land in the butter of course!

If life is Shit… Make it a GOOD shit!

Every time you fail, just remember it is helping you grow. Learn from your mistakes, and other peoples mishaps.

If you haven’t learnt and grown from your failure… Then you are doing something wrong.

Failure Is The Key To Success

Failure Is The Key To Success

7. Don’t Waste Time With TV

Cancel your Netflix account, pull the plug on your Television… Get out… Explore the world and see it for yourself rather than through someone else vision on the TV.

More on this here… Click Me

Dont Waste Time With TV

Dont Waste Time With TV

8. Love Yourself First

Life is about love. Be passionate about everything you believe in!

Don’t be afraid of getting hurt, as it’ll take lots of mishaps to truly find the love you crave.

Learn to be comfortable in yourself and within long you’ll feel that comfort with someone else.

Self-growth is awesome, so be selfish once in a while and focus on you.

A Poetic Pleasure

Learn To Love Yourself

Learn To Love Yourself

9. Simplify

Stuff is stuff! Don’t become a hoarder… Make life simplistic.

Ok we love our luxuries, but how many things could you say you actually use?

Part of the fun is simplifying life, it makes you appreciate aspects you never even noticed.

Simplify Your Life

Simplify Your Life

10. Be Vulnerable 

Trust people, whether it be relationships, friendships or just random people. Open up once in a while, its often better to talk about your thoughts than let it play on your mind. Write down your feelings.

Trust people until they give you a reason not to.

You will get hurt in life, there is no doubt about it. Grow and adapt to vulnerability. It will make you stronger and easier to adapt in the future.

Learn To Be Vulnerable

Learn To Be Vulnerable

11. Never Stop Learning

Life is all about education, even when you least expect it you continue to learn and educate yourself.

Whether it be through others, reading, or your own mishaps… Never Stop Learning!

Self Growth is the most aspiring aspect of life.

Never Stop Learning

Never Stop Learning

12. Walk

Your health is vital. No I am not talking six pack abs, I am talking a healthy active lifestyle and the same goes for your mind.

Whether it be a walk on your lunch break, or a walk in the forests on your day off.

Go out and explore… You’ll be surprised how refreshed you feel after a beautiful trip out exploring nature.

Check it out…

Get Out And Walk

Get Out And Walk

13. Build

Build Great Friendships… A Great Business… Never stop building!

Whether it be building yourself, friends, family, make sure to continue working at it.

Life is a learning curve… Failure must happen to promote success.

Build Things

Build Things

To Conclude

Life will have its ups and downs, that is the beauty of it. After all… this is referring to an 18 year old who still has his whole life ahead of him…

You haven’t even hit your twenties yet! You can’t say you have truly lived unless you can relate to these points.

Speak Soon




Tez Ferguson

Author Tez Ferguson

Founder of Xploited Media, Tez Ferguson is a Digital Marketing Lead Generator who can deliver creative, engaging solutions for all types of business models

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