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New Website!

Now we have your attention with all this spiel about a New Website, let us be honest.

The site has been around since June when we first discussed our plans of a new adventure.

It has however only just become as active…

South African Monkey

In 2010, after completing a course in Business Computing With Marketing and gaining a degree, I packed up my life into a suitcase and departed on my next adventure to South Africa.

To keep in contact with friends and family in the UK I set up a blog to share my experiences. I never thought it would have created the success it has today.

With a basic template and simple text it grew into a huge following, which has been growing ever since.

Now we embark on a similar journey this time with my little Boet (brother) by my side.

A new site was therefore born to enable us to share our ramblings and adventures with all.

New Website For The Braai Brothers

New Website For The Braai Brothers

About Us

For a full blown guide to each myself (Tez) and Ryan, we advise you check out the about us page for links to our social media pages and much more, but as a brief summary…

We are both English South Africans with a passion for travel.

Tez – Spent many years enjoying short breaks whilst working to see plenty of Europe and further a field. Presenting a Bachelors in Business Computing with Marketing his sole purpose is all things involving creativity and Digital Marketing.

Ryan – Brother to Tez, he has recently qualified with a degree in Accounting and Finance, offering him the insight to the analytical side of all marketing campaigns and so much more. With a passion for travel in running in the family he has explored various European countries where he recently escaped the rat race for a month driving around Europe.

Together we form the Braai Brothers, two brothers with a passion for Braai’s and so much more.


With the New Site underway and you finding this post, you obviously know your way around already, but if not we are here to help.

The site is categorized by the navigation bar at the top of the website, which offers the blog and various other resources.

Our resources section is to try and help others experience the Nomad lifestyle with the modern Digital Age. With content being added daily, keep checking back for useful guides on social media implementation, travel and so much more.

What To Expect

The blog itself is a multitude of topics, dependent on how we are feeling at the time and what is hot off the press.

To make it easier for everyone we have separated the blog into categories, so you can skip the aspects you are not interested in.

We do however ask that you click all posts to see what else we are up to even if you came here solely for Motivational Posts.

Some of the categories are:

Whichever tickles your fancy…

New Website For The Braai Brothers

New Website For The Braai Brothers

Where To Start

Naturally that is totally down to you where you want to start, however everyone has their own preferences.

If travel is your kind of thing, check out our travel posts, and the same goes for motivational inspirational posts. If that is what you are after however over the blog text in the navigation bar and select the appropriate category.

Go Explore

It truly is as simple as that, we do ask one favour of you all… There is always a catch!

No seriously, if there are any faults or you feel we are missing out on something, please do contact us via the contact form as we would love to hear from you.

Tez Ferguson

Author Tez Ferguson

Founder of Xploited Media, Tez Ferguson is a Digital Marketing Lead Generator who can deliver creative, engaging solutions for all types of business models

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