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So this may be one of our shortest blog posts ever, but what better way to plug our first Youtube video than on here…


Everything we filmed to capture this was filmed on the Drone, so please bear in mind we are still trying to get used to flying the thing let alone film.

Trial And Error

Being our very first video, the filming and editing was new to us.

With practice we are sure it’ll only get better. We appreciate you guys watching and feeding back with what you would like to see, what we can do differently etc.

Now Please Watch And Subscribe

Before you begin to watch please make sure it is in 4k for the best experience. So without further ado please sit back and enjoy…

More Videos Coming Soon

Thanks guys for watching, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed experiencing it.

We plan on a lot more footage moving forward so please don’t hesitate to subscribe.

Tez Ferguson

Author Tez Ferguson

Founder of Xploited Media, Tez Ferguson is a Digital Marketing Lead Generator who can deliver creative, engaging solutions for all types of business models

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