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Long Tom Toboggan Ride

For anyone who has seen the movie “Cool Runnings”, you will begin to understand…

Well picture that but in a controlled environment.

You set off at the top of the mountain and sit in a small plastic cart attached to a metal frame as you ride down the mountain.

Misty Mountain

Situated 24km from Sabie, it isn’t much of a detour. Offering a beautiful setting to sit and relax or even stay, there are plenty of hikes in the area.

For us it was a quick visit, but you could quite easily spend a few days there.

Long Tom Toboggan

Long Tom Toboggan


The ride itself is 1.7km long and is over in seconds showing you just how fast you go, with speeds recorded at 45 kilometres per hour.


The price for the experience has raised since the initial listings. The price for one ride is R250 per person, which is great for the experience and truly is a well worth it ride.

However can be costly if you want more than one go.

The Experience

The experience itself is short lived as you pay at the reception and are taken up in a 4×4 to the start of the Toboggan ride.

The journey up the mountain is longer than the ride itself but it gives you a taste of what is to come.

Once at the peak you sit in these small little yellow carts with a lever as a brake to slow down.

You are recommended not to use the brake but if you are nervous do so slowly.

Then after a short push and you are on your way.

Make sure not to carry anything in your pockets as the ride isn’t the smoothest.

Even our video footage was all over the place.

Our Experience

For us, like all experiences we come with a smile and plenty of enthusiasm.

Allowing Ryan to go first I waited at the top for my turn. Once he was out of sight I shot off in hot pursuit.

With a weight advantage and folding up into a ball to make myself more streamlined I was on my way to victory as I gained time quicker than he could get around the corners.

Within a matter of seconds I was behind him finding myself having to brake to slow down so I didn’t hit him.

Lesson learnt… I go first next time.

Long Tom Toboggan

Long Tom Toboggan


It is highly recommended especially as there is nothing like it in the country as of yet.

Fortunate for us we have experienced a similar fiend in the U.K where you sit in a similar contraption down the hill.

The only thing to not is the price isn’t cheap if you are wanting more than one go.

To Conclude

Another fun day of antics for us as we progress deeper down on our journey.

Offering a slight detour as we didn’t want to hit Lydenburg in all its glory. We turned around after the experience and headed back the way we came.

Tez Ferguson

Author Tez Ferguson

Founder of Xploited Media, Tez Ferguson is a Digital Marketing Lead Generator who can deliver creative, engaging solutions for all types of business models

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